Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Final Reflective Blog Post

There are many things that I learned about what brings people together and creates community in public places. Some of this includes sitting space, how it looks, the location of the area, the amount of open space, and many other things. I learned many things about how to conduct research and find out what the community wants when trying to problem solve. We practiced empathy interviews in order to uncover the true want of the people who use the Town Green. Having roles for each of the members definitely helped in assigning people what to do without telling them to do it, which saved a lot of time and allowed us to work more effectively. Everyone was passionate about the project as well, and everyone wanted to help get it done, which was a big factor in the overall success of the project. I thoroughly enjoyed creating the instruments that was out project, and I am very pleased with our final prototype. During the demonstration day when we brought it to the green people were very interested in the musical pieces, even though they did not sound great. This proves that if our project was taken on professionally, making it sound and look amazing, then it would attract many people to play it and create a great sense of community around the piece of art. So although the prototype would not fit into the green as is, I am pleased with how it demonstrated its purpose and how we presented it.

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